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Point Lay is a relatively new community located on the Western Arctic Coast of Alaska, approximately 300 miles southwest of Barrow, Alaska. Point Lay began as a small community of 2 or 3 families. Later in 1929 – 1930 several additional families moved to Point Lay from their southern neighboring community of Point Hope. Today Point Lay is comprised of community members from several different Arctic Alaska communities. Point Lay has been moved twice throughout the years, with the second move being a result of seasonal flooding at the mouth of the Kokolik River. In 1974 Point Lay was moved to its current location near the Air Force Distance Early Warning Station. Today the old village site of Point Lay is utilized as a summer camp. While Point Lay is active in the hunting of Bowhead whales,the community also depends heavily on harvesting the Beluga Whale and various other subsistence activities.

Instructional Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:

9:00 am - 3:50 pm

Wednesday Early Release:

9:00 am ~ 2:40 pm


Front Office Hours:

Monday through Friday: 

8:30 am - 4:00 pm